February 21, 2010

Monterey Day Break


Giggybaskets said...

Oh nooooo...the potato head children and the drunken fishermen going for a swim! Actually, this is a wonderful photo...I guess I just can't get the photos from the older post out of my brain!

Sea Mist and Sunsets said...

Gad, now that you planted the seed, they kind of look like bobbing potatoes to me too.

ProfGeo said...

I must compartmentalize well. This one doesn't evoke root vegetables for me. But I understand where you're coming from!

Sea Mist and Sunsets said...

It may help to know BG had a potato head incident a few years ago with a maritime connection. Care to elaborate BG. Grin.

Giggybaskets said...

I'll try to make it short. I'm on a 36 ft. sailboat with the in-laws, husband, sister-in-law and future brother-in-law in the Georgian Bay for a week. 1st day-Foggy & rainy, very cramped quarters; 2nd day-Good wind, but spent the night on shore in a tent due to violent thunderstorms all night, soaking wet and no sleep, ha, ha...happy 1st anniversary; 3rd day-Future brother-in-law decides to ask in-laws if he can marry their daughter, husband and I kicked off boat while this happens, cut my foot on sharp rocks, bleeding and have to wait on shore until the above event is discussed at length until I can get bandaged up; 4th day-Hit in nose by husbands elbow while he is winching in the sail, fortunately no broken nose, but big bruise and my nose still cracks to this day; 5th day-No wind, but the father-in-law has boys changing every sail for hours, everyone falls asleep in the sun, ears get sunburned badly and I look like Mrs. Potato Head; 6th day-We reach the family cottage, I jump ship exhausted and throwing up due to all of the above, mother-in-law thinks I'm pregnant, but far from it; 7th day-I sleep until noon and am greeted and taken care of by Grandad (who is drinking vodka), Allen and Theresa(handyman and cook)while the rest of the crew sails back to return the boat; 8th day-Feel great, go for a canoe paddle around Sans Souci Island with Grandad (one of his last trips around the island, he was in his early 80's), We talk the entire time and become good pals. I am not a swimmer, so if we would have turned over, oh my! It was all worth being a potato head and getting bashed up just for that canoe trip alone!

ProfGeo said...

BG, thanks for telling that story. I see a Hallmark movie in your future!

Sea Mist and Sunsets said...

Thank you for providing a good dose of laughter at our house with your retelling. I had forgotten many of the details over time. I do seem to remember a photo of you captured after the sunburn phase of the journey! It was more reminiscent of "Red" than the bobbing gray/blue root-less vegetables above. (Thanks ProfGeo) What isn't captured on film? The happy and calm look on your face, all those years ago, as you shared the story of time with Grandad. Glad the ears healed and the memories remain intact! Chris

Sea Mist and Sunsets said...

If BG gets a Hallmark contract, shall we ask to be in the credits under inspiration?
Hugs from the "other" time zone.

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