Like millions of us, I am drawn back in time during the holidays. Almost anything can trigger one of those memories, but music certainly stands center. Of course not all the memories are holiday related. The most recent trigger was running across this Christmas red clarinet in one of the local antique stores. Once sighted, the clock began it's backward spin.
When very small, my main musical exposure centered around the radio and a handful of record albums my mom would play. When our first TV arrived we were transfixed and then transported. So many firsts in each viewing. Among my favorites were old movies. It was the early 1950's and everything that came through that big tube was black and white. It all seemed like one big magic trick for the longest time.
My favorite movies were musicals. Those with great dancing got my gold star. Probably not necessary to say Fred Astaire was amazing but, in truth, he was. In some of those movies the big bands were given a good deal of footage which seemed magic as well. Benny Goodman's Orchestra stood out and I loved his clarinet playing and Harry James on the trumpet. It was during that time that I first saw the 1937 movie "Hollywood Hotel". I can't recount the whole movie but the thing I remember clearly was another first. Gene Krupa on the drums. He was something and his playing in "Sing, Sing, Sing" never left me. The piece. The drumming. The man.
It may not be a holiday tune, but the holidays got me there and YouTube had it.
Oh, yeah! You and I grew up in the same era, and watched the same old movies on TV! I still love them to this day, and that clip of the BG orchestra was wonderful... thanks for the memories!
Hey Judy,
I'm really glad it brought back some good memories for you too. And ditto on still loving those old movies. Makes me happy that restoration of so many of them has been accomplished. And continues.
Heading back to give BG one more listen and look.
Does this mean you're going to pick up the clarinet again? It's pretty to look at....
I think we both know that is NOT happening again in this lifetime. Smarty. Thanks for the chuckle.
I did ask a musical friend about the colorful horns. She said they are usually picked up for special shows, marching bands, etc.
Somehow I managed to take this picture and walk away, leaving all nearby ear drums intact.
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