December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
2012 seemed to pass in a blink for us.
You too?
Any wishes for the year ahead?
We are hoping 
where ever you are in this world
that the coming year 
brings you kindness, 
light and love.

December 30, 2012


Seriously, almost 2013? 

December 24, 2012

To You and Yours: Som Sabadell

We hope you have a tiny bit of time today 
for this Som Sabadell footage. 
It lifts the spirit with it's beauty, passion 
and unifying magic.

Sending you hugs and love.

December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas Girls, Where Ever You Are

Each year as Christmas nears my husband and I are reminded of holidays past when our dogs were with us. There was a special decade in which our lives were graced with three wonderful dogs and a cat sharing our small house. All ladies, who brought us many, many bouts of laughter and lots of love. They are pictured above (L to R, Clancy, Mandy and Shannon) in full sniff as I opened a Christmas present filled with tasty mustard's. One minute they were out of sight and the next, I could barely see daylight and was running out of air from laughing so hard. Nary a lid was opened but, lids were no match for those skilled noses. With Shannon and Mandy both weighing in at well over a hundred pounds, and Clancy no piker, standing my ground was no small feat when they were all excited at the same time. 

Clancy was the wise old crone. She arrived long before the other two and outlived them by a few months, passing away in her 16th year. Living lakeside likely gave her a better shot at that long life with all the swimming she was able to do through the years. No doubt my girl is still fetching somewhere. As the saying goes, she did not suffer fools well, so had little patience when her larger sisters were bent on rough housing or "trying" to out swim her. If she spoke, they listened.

Shannon, who had been mistreated, came to us in her second year. (No, we did not crop her ears.) She was the most gentle dog I have ever known and an incredible patient when she needed to be. Living for a time with her litter of 8 Great Dane pups was amazing. THEY GROW QUICKLY! Mandy was her daughter and we were so very glad she joined our clan. What a dear spirit she was.

We were a team, all of us. And when they all passed away, within the same year, we were hard pressed to step up again. We have been blessed with some other dear cats since then, but have never mustered the light hearts needed to bring another dog into our small circle. No need, I still hear their nails clicking on the floor and wake in the night thinking Shannon is once again trying to sneak onto the bed without being noticed. She could have taken up ballet, so poised in mid-air for a girl of her size. 

This holiday we are reminded of them and that oh so healthy laughter they added to our days. Merry Christmas girls, where ever you are.

December 16, 2012

In the Wake

In the wake of Newtown's events...
no adequate words come.
stay close
to those you love

and as tightly furled hearts
find safe passage
to open once more
keep this song in mind.

"If I Should Fall Behind" by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

December 2, 2012

Gifts from the Sea

Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach -- waiting for a gift from the sea.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

There are many sentiments in Gifts from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh that resonate with me. A treasured copy, passed to me by a dear friend three plus decades past, was a gifted treasure to her as well. The little book has been well loved. Each transfer of these words from 1955 were shared at a time when most needed. When things get too hectic and overwhelming, Lindbergh's words soothe and slow. Gifts. Someday I will pass this copy on to another, when most needed.

It seems right to me that the holiday season begin 
with her thoughts on patience. 
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