July 25, 2011

Hope is the Thing with Feathers

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
And sweetest in the gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm
I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea
Yet, never in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me. 

Emily Dickinson
Have a wonderful week all! (From Chris not Emily)

July 6, 2011

Tending the Shadow Rows

I woke to shadows and light;
each shape change of the covers
creating a new landscape
reminding me of crop rows
planted straight and true.
Fortunately I got up
before the farm equipment arrived.

This, the last of a few vacation days, found me at the pivotal point where I'd almost forgotten what day it is and whats waiting at work. Near disconnection. Ah, but something wacky in computerdom placed tomorrows date in the corner of my screen. Not noticed until this afternoon, I had a few circle pacing moments of panic. It made farm equipment tending the shadow rows of the bedspread seem a "bit" less bizarre. Not sure if I should have taken more or LESS time off? Probably more...

July 4, 2011

4th Metaphor

We are multi-layered
short term creatures.
By nature,
as we strive we fray.
With each new exposure
we learn and review options...
move forward, pause or step back.
Incremental decisions
creating histories.

I'm grateful to be here
in this country
through the review and decisions 
made by the branches of my family
three hundred and some years past.

Grateful they came across the seas,
held up,
did not step back
during times of fray.

They and others like them
saw the solid layers of possibility 
beneath the tatters
and understood the sense
of sound mending.

Thinking of them 
on this 4th day of July 
in the year 2011.
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